Friday 25 December 2015

Monday 14 December 2015

Christmas 'Card' 2015

Babe in arms.

Look here for 2014.
Look here for 2013.
Look here for 2012.
And look here for the beginning of the 'card' parade.

Saturday 28 November 2015

Post Card from Curitiba - Farewell

Curitiba is amazing. Let me count the ways:

Atlantic rain forest vegetation:


Innovative design:

Good food:

 Barreado de Morretes

 Two in one pizza:  marguerita and banana/chocolate. 

Street art:

Good weather (OK, maybe not always):

 And really fine people. 
Muito obragada. 
Até logo.

Friday 27 November 2015

Post Card from Curitiba - 22

Oscar Niemeyer Museum
Bienal Internacional De Curitiba

These strings of light fill a room. You can walk into this space and through it. 

Thursday 26 November 2015

Post Card from Curitiba - 21

Parque Tangua

The park, on the northern edge of Curitiba, opened in 1996. It is an old quarry on the banks of the Rio Barigui.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Post Card from Curitiba - 20

Capybara - the world's largest rodents, and on my list of odd looking animals.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Monday 23 November 2015

Post Card from Curitiba - 18

I was very taken with the gardens and was especially pleased to see a fern tree. I had seen fern trees in the forest from the train.  I also spent some time watching the turtles.

I did also observe that for many people, the gardens were a beautiful back drop for selfies and more formally staged photo ops.